10 January 2017


Minutes of the meeting of Arlington Parish Council held on Tuesday 10 January 2016 at the Tea Rooms, Arlington Court, Arlington at 7:30pm.

75  .Present:

Cllrs B Francis(Chair), Ms A Chylak, Mrs S Hill, R Kilburn and Mrs J Kimberley.

In attendance:

Cllr R Edgell (DCC). 2members of the public, Mr T Squire (Parish Clerk).

76.  Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs L House.

77.  Public Consultation

It was reported that the offer of a free website had been withdrawn.

Despite water on the road above School Cottage had been reported to Highways a number of times, nothing had been done. It was agreed that the council would continue to report the problem.

It had been noted in the local press that Arlington was to be included in the trial area for a new three-weekly refuse collection. The clerk stated that although Arlington was technically included, the section of the parish included within the line on the map contained only fields. No properties were included.

Concern was expressed on the planning application for meters to be installed at the National Trust car park. There were fears that some motorists may park elsewhere to avoid paying.   

78.  Declarations of Interest

Cllr Ms Chylak declared an interest in in planning applications 62293 & 62305.

79.  Approval of Minutes of the meetings held on 27 November 2016 

Min 60 was amended to read that it had been agreed to defer the item for the time being.

The amended minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

80.  Matters Arising from the meeting

The Clerk reported that he had not made an application for funding through the TAP Fund as, although for highway work Arlington did not have to work with another parish, funding was limited to £1.10 per elector in the parish. This would result in a total of £94.60. owing to the small amount it was resolved not to proceed with an application.

81.  Highways – Update & Matters

In view of instances of flooding caused by blocked drains, it was agreed to request Highways to clear the drains before cold weather turns the water into ice.

Ice on the A39 had been reported to Highways.

Cllr Kilburn reported that no response had been received into the request for additional salt.

82.  Replacement / Repair of Notice Boards

It was agreed that the type of notice board at East Down was the preferred type, at a cost of £219 + VAT each.

It was not known if there was any delivery charge. Cllr Ms Chylak proposed that Cllr Mrs Kimberley be authorised to purchase two notice boards, up to the maximum of £500. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Hill. All in agreement.

83.  Landing site for Devon Air Ambulance

Cllr Mrs Hill reported that she was awaiting a response from Exmoor Farm Services regarding permission for the site at Blackmoor Gate to be used as a emergency landing site.

It was noted that the approximate cost of a floodlight was £6000. In addition planning permission would need to be obtained.

It was agreed that she should contact neighbouring parishes for support in setting up a work party.

84.  Parish Website / Grant

The Chairman reported that at the DALC conference it had been stated that parishes could have a page on the Devon Communities website. It was agreed that Cllr Francis should make further enquiries.

85.   2017 Annual Parish Meeting

It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting should be held on a different night from the parish council meeting. Various speakers were considered. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Hill should make approaches to:

Waste & Recycling; Devon Air Ambulance; Rural Broadband; Police. The possible merger with another parish also to be included on the agenda.

86.  Planning


62293Erection of two pay & display machines & two related instruction signs Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple

62305 Siting of two instruction signs (related to two pay & display machines) Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple

Cllr Mrs Chylak declared an interest and left the meeting whilst the applications were considered, being recalled only to clarify the wording of the instruction signs.

It was agreed not to object to these applications, but to express serious concerns over the introduction of parking charges would result in additional parking in the narrow lanes leading to the property. Problems had been encountered in the past with cars parked in the lane causing an obstruction to farm and other large vehicles.

It was agreed to enquire what measures would be taken to mitigate the problem should the applications be approved.

2.Decisions:  None,

87.  Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were noted:

1.NDC – Parish Forum Minutes 15 November.

2.Rural Alliance – Minutes & Agenda.

3.DALC Newsletter

4.Clerks & Council’s Direct – Nov 2016

5.Healthwatch Devon – Winter 2016.

88.  Reports

1.County Councillor

Cllr Edgell reported that DCC was able to apply for an additional 3% increase to the Precept for Adult Social Care. Although this would be a help, it still would not cover costs.

DCC was currently working on the budget for 2017/18, which was becoming increasingly difficult.

2.District Councillor

No report received.


1.Grant to East Down & Arlington PCC

An application for financial help towards the cost of repairs at Arlington church had been received from the Parochial Church Council. It was resolved not to make a donation.


1.Clerk’s wages and expenses£86.74Cheque No. 208

The account was agreed for payment.

90.  Matters Raised by the Chairman.

Complaints had been received of the condition of Lane End bridleway. Parishioners had been asked to report the problem direct to DCC.

Cllr Mrs Hill reported that she still held papers relating to the old school charity. She had been in contact with the Charity Commission requesting advice on what, if anything, needed to be kept. A reply was awaited.

91.  Items for consideration for the next Agenda

Co-option of Parish Councillor;  Air Ambulance Landing Site;  Presentation by Highways.

92.  Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 14 March 2017, 7.30pm at Arlington Court

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
