14 March 2017


Minutes of the meeting of Arlington Parish Council held on Tuesday 14 March 2017 at the Tea Rooms, Arlington Court, Arlington at 7:30pm.

93.  Present:

Cllrs B Francis (Chair), Ms A Chylak, Mrs S Hill, Mrs L House and R Kilburn.

In attendance:

Mr T Squire (Parish Clerk).

94.  Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs J Kimberley and Cllr R Edgell.

95.  Public Consultation

No matters raised.

96.  Declarations of Interest

Cllr Kilburn declared an interest in item 100

97.  Approval of Minutes of the meetings held on 10 January 2017 

The date of the last meeting was corrected to read 2017.

The amended Minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.

98.  Matters Arising from the meetings


99.  Co-option of Parish Councilor

There had been no response from anyone wishing to be co-opted.

100.  Highways

Cllr Kilburn reported that a supply of small bags of salt had been delivered at the end of January. It was currently in  storage in one of his sheds, and was available for anyone to collect for use on the highway. Some had been delivered to Mr Bunch.

He had employed a lengthsman, at his own cost, to clear drains in the parish. He would continue to clear the water tables as soon as some new signs had been delivered. It was noted that the water tables on the main road had been cleared by DCC contractors.

It was agreed to contact land owners to request them to keep the roads clean of any mud, and to pick up any plastic from bales etc.

It was reported that there had been two accidents near Westland due to mud on the road.

DCC Public Rights of Way had replied that they were unable to help with mud on a bridleway as it was within limits.

Cllr Kilburn was thanks for his work on the roads.

101.  Replacement / Repair of Notice Boards

It was noted that the notice boards had been ordered and that delivery was awaited.

102.  Landing Site for Devon Air Ambulance

Cllr Mrs Hill circulated notes of a meeting she had attended on 14 March with a representative of Kentisbury and Trentishoe Parish Council, and a representative from Devon Air Ambulance Trust.

The suggested site at Blackmoor Gate had been confirmed as suitable, and a site for the lighting column identified. It would be necessary to submit a planning application for this. Devon Air Ambulance would be meeting the owners of the site to discuss details of the proposal.

There would be a need for a first responder to be available to transfer the doctor from the helicopter to the patient whenever this was needed.

It was agreed to invite parishioners to an open meeting to explain the proposals and to arrange fundraising. The final cost was not yet known, but was expected to be less than £5000. A DCC Locality Grant of £1000 had already been agreed from Cllr Mrs Davis.

Cllr Mrs Hill was thanked for all her work.

103.   Parish Website

Cllr Francis reported that he had obtained some quotes for producing a website, all of which were very expensive. It was noted that in order to comply with the Transparency Code, parish councils were required to have a website by the end of the financial year.

The Clerk reported that he would be able to provide a very basic website to provide the legal requirements for approximately £100.

It was agreed that a basic website was all that was required, and that the clerk should be authorised to proceed, with a maximum cost of £150 to include hosting.

To prevent confusion with Ashford in Kent, the name should include the word Devon.

104.   Annual Parish Meeting

Cllr Mrs Hill circulated a draft letter to be delivered to parishioners to advertise the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 3 May. The draft letter was agreed, with a few minor changes. It was hoped that this may encourage people to attend. It was agreed that each councillor would deliver some of the letters.

Cllr Mrs House offered to arrange some refreshments for the evening. This was greed.

105.  Planning


62/50/16/001 Reinstatement of railway line and ancillary development, land between Killington Lane and Blackmoor Gate, Parracombe

62/50/16/002Erection of enging shed, formation of railway sidings and change of use, Rowley Moor Farm, Kentisbury

62/50/16/003Change of use of site of former hotel to railway car park with 162 car parking spaces and pedestrian underpass to station. Site of former Blackmoor Gate Hotel, Blackmoor Gate.

62/50/16/004Demolition of public toilets and shelter, relocation of public car park, erection of new toilets and interpretation building and change of use of land from agricultural to public amenity space, site of current car park, Blackmoor Gate.

62/50/17/002Proposed temporary use of part of existing highways depot as Materials Recycling Centre in connection with reinstatement of phase 11A of the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway.

65/50/17/001Proposed new system for disposal of agricultural waste from livestock market. Exmoor Farmers Market, Blackmoor Gate.

The six applications for neighbouring parishes were noted. It was agreed not to raise any objections.

2.Decisions - Approval: 

62293Erection of two pay & display machines & two related instruction signs Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple

62305 Siting of two instruction signs (related to two pay & display machines) Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple

106.  Correspondence

1.Code of Conduct Training for Parish Councillors – 20 March 2017  (Circulated) Cllr Kilburn noted that he hoped to attend.

2.The following items of correspondence were noted:

Northern Devon NHS Trust – Public events. Nearest 17 March at Petroc (Circulated)

Clerks & Councils Direct

Healthwatch Voices

107.  Reports

1.County Councillor

None – County Councillor not present.

2.District Councillor

None – District Councillor not present.

108.  Finance


1.Clerk’s wages and expenses£86.10Cheque No. 210

The account was agreed for payment.

Cllr Kilburn reported that his Council Tax bill had shown an increase of 8.6% increase in the Parish Council portion, whereas it had only been agreed to increase the Precept by 2%.  Clerk to check the amount requested.

109.  Matters Raised by the Chairman.


110.  Items for consideration for the next Agenda

Co-option of Parish Councillor;  Increase in Precept;  Parish Council Website.

111.  Dates of forthcoming meetings:

Annual Parish Meeting: Wednesday 3 May 2017. 

Annual Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 9 May 2017

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9:00pm.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
