Arlington Parish Council
North Devon
Minutes of the meeting of Arlington Parish Council held on Thursday 18 February 2016 at the Tea Rooms, Arlington Court, Arlington at 7:30pm.
1002. Present
Cllrs R Kilburn(Chair),B Francis, Ms A Chylak and Mrs J Kimberley.
In attendance:
Mr T Squire (Parish Clerk).
1003. Apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mrs L House and Mrs S Hill
Cllr Kilburn confirmed that he would be continuing as Chairman. Cllr Francis stated that he was unable to stay if that was the case, and left the meeting.
1004. Public Consultation
No members of the public present.
1005. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Ms Chylak declared an interest in planning applications 60259 and 60260.
1006. Planning Applications
60259Conversion of garage building to form meeting / education / community space Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple Devon EX31 4LP
60260Listed building application for conversion of garage building to form meeting / education / community space Arlington Court Arlington Barnstaple Devon EX31 4LP
With only two councillors able to consider the applications, the council was not quorate.
Consequently the council was unable to make a recommendation.
For the benefit of the two other councilors present Cllr Ms Chylak explained the applications.
Neighbouring Parish Applications (Exmoor National Park)
62/50/16/001Proposed re-instatement of railway line and ancillary development, land between Killington Lane and Blackmoor Gate, Parracombe.
62/50/16/002Proposed erection of engine shed (2052m2), formation of railway sidings and change of use of agricultural barn to railway workshop, Rowley Moor Farm, Kentisbury.
62/50/16/003Proposed change of use of former hotel to railway car park with 162 car parking spaces and pedestrian underpass to station, site of former Blackmoor Gate Hotel, Blackmoor Gate, Barnstaple.
62/50/16/004Proposed demolition of public toilets and shelter, relocation of public car park, erection of new toilets and interpretation building and change of use of land from agricultural to public amenity space.
62/50/16/005Proposed erection of two semi-detached dwellings replacing bungalow demolished to allow re-instatement of railway line – one local needs affordable and one for occupation by railway staff, The Halt, Parracombe.
Councillors fully supported the application to reinstate the railway, noting that it would provide a great boost to the local economy and employment.
It was resolved to express concerns over traffic management at the two major road junctions at Blackmoor Gate, and concerns that the 162 space car park at Blackmoor Gate may not be big enough to accommodate all the vehicles on busy days.
1007.Date of next meeting
Tuesday 8 March 2016, 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.