Arlington Parish Council
North Devon
Minutes of the meeting of Arlington Parish Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2016 at the Tea Rooms, Arlington Court, Arlington at 7:30pm.
56. Present:
Cllrs Ms A Chylak,Mrs L House, Mrs S Hill, R Kilburn and Mrs J Kimberley.
In attendance:
Cllr R Edgell (DCC). 1 member of the public, Mr T Squire (Parish Clerk).
57. Apologies for absence.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr B Francis.
58. Public Consultation
It was reported that there were a number of blocked drains in the parish.
A disturbing incident was reported when someone dressed as a clown holding what appeared to be a chainsaw acted in a threatening manner to members of the public attending a local event. The matter had been reported to the police.
59. Declarations of Interest
60. Co-option of Parish Councillor
No applications had been received.
61. Approval of Minutes of the meetings held on 13 September and 25 October 2016
Min. 45.3.The Clerk confirmed that invoices had been available for inspection.
The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.
62. Matters Arising from the meetings
63. Highways
1.National Trust Highway Tree Survey Report.
It was reported that there was no written report available, as the surveying of trees was an ongoing process.
2.Severe weather emergency plan.
Cllr Kilburn reported that he had a stock of road salt, and was happy to use his tractor to distribute it. He had received his Snow Warden training. In the past Mr Mather had cleared the road to the farm shop. It was confirmed that all the salt bins were full.
3.Pedestrian signs Arlington Court entrance and near New England Cottages.
It was agreed to request signs from DCC. Cllr Edgell reported that it may be necessary for the parish council to finance the signs.
Cllr Kilburn proposed that the parish council should provide funding. There was no seconder.
64.Replacement / Repair of Notice Boards
Cllr Mrs Kimberley reported that she had been unsure of the size of notice boards required. It was noted that the existing main notice board measured 40” x 30”, and was only just large enough for parish council notices. The other board was smaller.
It was agreed that councillors would look at the notice board at Loxhore to determine if a similar one would be suitable.
It was reported that Shirwell PC was replacing its notice boards at a cost of £350 each.
Cllr Kilburn to pass contact details to Cllr Mrs Kimberley.
65. To Consider Proposal by BT to remove under used public payphones
It was reported that the payphone had been out of use for some time. BT had reported that it had only been used three times during the past year.
It was agreed to register an interest in retaining the kiosk
66. To Receive Report on Rural Alliance Meeting
Cllr Kilburn reported on the recent meeting of the Rural Alliance, when DCC’s Road Warden Scheme had been discussed. He considered that the scheme was too complicated for small parishes. An alternative would be to employ a lengthsman, at a cost of approximately £15 per hour.
It was greed that the latter alternative should be explored, and to apply for £350 funding from the TAP Fund.
67. To Receive Report on DALC Conference and AGM
Cllrs Francis, Mrs Kimberley and Mrs Hill had attended the recent DALC Conference, and had had the opportunity to talk to other parishes regarding merging.
It was agreed to notify NDC that Arlington Parish Council would be talking to neighbouring parishes with a view to merging with one of them.
It was agreed that the Chairman would talk to Kentisbury & Trentishoe, East Down, and Loxhore Parish Councils to ascertain if they would be interested.
68. Planning
No planning applications received.
2.Decisions – Approval:
61813Alterations to dwelling including conversion of adjoining dairy to form extension to dwelling at Besshill Farm Arlington
61814Listed building application for alterations to dwelling including conversion of adjoining dairy to form extension to dwelling at Besshill Farm Arlington
69. Correspondence
1.An enquiry had been received from NDC into whether the parish council had a Sandbag Policy. It was noted that the council did not have a policy.
2.NDC advised that they currently had a staff shortage in the Planning Enforcement department. Consequently there was a backlog in enforcement cases. It was hoped to recruit a new member in the new year.
3.DALC Newsletter. Noted
4.Clerks & Council’s Direct – Nov 2016. Noted.
5.Healthwatch Devon – Autumn 2016. Noted.
70. Reports
1.County Councillor
Cllr Edgell reported that East Down Parish Council was looking to provide a community defibrillator for the parish.
Cllr Edgell reported that at a time when libraries were closing all over the country, he was pleased to report that none had closed in Devon. Devon’s libraries had been moved to a Community Interest Company which had just been given charitable status. DCC would continue to give funding to the libraries, but as a CIC founding would be able to be sought elsewhere. The Arts Council had made a grant of £200k towards providing services in libraries. It was hoped to open more libraries in the future.
Cllr Edgell stated that he was willing to donate £250 from his Locality Grant towards the cost of the notice boards.
2.District Councillor
In Cllr Prowse’s absence, Cllr Edgell reported that no decision had been made over the proposed revised waste and recycling collection.
71. Finance
1.To set the Budget for 2017/2018
A draft budget had been circulated to councillors. This was agreed and adopted without change.
2.To set the Precept for the 2017-18 financial year
Cllr Ms Chylak proposed that the Precept should be increased by 2%. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Hill. All in agreement.
:2nd 50% Parish Grant and Precept£572.83
1.DALC – Training£60.00Cheque No. 206
2.Clerk’s wages and expenses£86.10Cheque No. 207
The two accounts were agreed for payment.
72. Matters Raised by the Chairman.
1.Cllr Kilburn reported that he was considering installing cameras following the increase in dog fouling.
2.There had been another 2 instances of sheep attacks recently. It was believed that the dog may have been from the Loxhore area.
73. Items for consideration for the next Agenda
Landing Site for Devon Air Ambulance; Grant to East Down PCC; Annual Parish Meeting.
74. Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 10 January 2017 at 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.
Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .