31 May 2016


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 31 May 2016 at the Tea Rooms, Arlington Court, Arlington at 7:30pm.


Cllrs R Kilburn, Mrs L House, B Francis, Ms A Chylak, and Mrs S Hill.

In attendance:

2 members of the public, Mr T Squire (Clerk).

1.  Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman


Cllr Mrs House proposed Cllr Francis and Chairman. Seconded by Cllr Ms Chylak.

There being no other nominations Cllr Francis was elected, 3 councillors voting in favour, I abstention.

2.  Vice Chairman

Cllr Mrs House proposed Cllr Mrs Hill and Vice Chairman. Seconded by Cllr Francis.

There being no other nominations Cllr Francis was elected, 3 councillors voting in favour, I abstention.

The Chairman expressed a wish that more decisions could be actioned between meetings.

2.  Apologies for absence.

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Mrs J Kimberley, N McKernan-Lewis and Cllr R Edgell (DCC).

3.  Public Consultation

It was reported that overgrown verges and hedges were reducing visibility at road junctions. It was agreed to arrange for the vegetation to be cut. It was noted that there were restriction on what work could be carried out on or close to the highway by anyone not holding the required Chapter 8 qualification.

A pothole was reported near Brockham Bridge, and that the edge of the road had collapsed. To be reported to Highways.

4.  Declarations of Interest

No Declarations of Interest were received.

Cllr Mrs Hill proposed that the existing Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be re-adopted. Seconded by Cllr Ms Chylak. All in agreement.

5.  Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2016 

The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed as a true record.

6.  Matters Arising from the last meeting

It was noted that the letter to farmers regarding discarded polythene wrapping had not been sent. This was now thought un-necessary.

7.  Highways

1.To report any potholes, defects etc

It was reported that the absence of white lines across the top of the car park at Wistlandpound Reservoir was resulting in some cars not stopping before entering the highway. On occasions this had almost caused an accident. Cllr Kilburn agreed to speak to Highways regarding the problem.

2.Lengthsmans Project

Cllr Kilburn reported on the recent Rural Alliance meeting, which had caused this meeting to be postponed.

It had been reported that the DCC Lengthsmen were continuing to visit each parish twice a year, but if parishes wished to employ its own lengthsman it would be necessary for them to be Chapter 8 trained. The type of work that a private lengthsman could do was limited. Cllr Kilburn agreed to make further enquiries to ascertain what could be done in addition to cutting grass and cleaning signs.

There was a possibility that East Down may be interested in joining Arlington in employing a lengthsman if that decision was made. If this was agreed, the Sweetings Charity may be willing to help with finance.

8.  Queen’s 90th birthday Celebrations

Copies of the Minutes of meetings were circulated to councillors.

It was reported that East Down had not been invited to join the celebrations with Arlington and Kentisbury. Cllr Mrs Hill stated that this was not correct, but that she would ensure that East Down was re-invited.

It had been agreed that it was not possible to go ahead with the Disco and Hog Roast due to the difficulty in finding a suitable venue.

9.  Planning

The Clerk apologised for the problems with the last planning application, which had resulted in no response being submitted from the parish council. This problem would be rectified for future applications.

10.  Correspondence

1. Register of Interests. An email had been received from Ken Miles at NDC reminding councils to ensure that councillors Register of Interests appeared on the parish council’s website. The Register now appeared on the NDC website. Despite all councillors having submitted their 2015/2016 Declaration, not all appeared on the website. The Clerk circulated copies of the 2016/2017 Register for councillors to complete and return at the next meeting.

2.A letter had been received stating that Arlington would not receive any P3 funding this year as it was one of the parishes that had not submitted an annual survey. It was noted that no work had been carried out of the footpaths during the past year, but all were thought to be in a good condition.

3.A letter of resignation had been received from Cllr McKernan-Lewis. Clerk to inform NDC and start the process of electing/co-opting a new parish councillor.

4.DALC May Newsletter. Noted.

11.  Reports not Received at the Annual Parish Meeting.


It was agreed that the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting would be held on a different evening to the parish council meeting, and try to attract more parishioners to attend.

12.  Finance

1.Adoption of Accounts

Copies of the 2015/2016 Balance Sheet had been circulated to councillors.

Cllr Mrs Hill proposed that the accounts be adopted. Seconded by Cllr Ms Chylak. All in agreement.

2.Completion of Annual Audit Return

Sections 1 & 2 were completed and signed by the Chairman and Clerk.


50% Precept & Grant£572.83


1.DALC subscription  £56.26

2.Community First Trading – insurance  £150.78

3.Clerk’s wages and expenses   £86.73

The three accounts were agreed for payment.

13.  Matters Raised by Councillors.

Cllr Mrs Chylak requested dates for meetings in 2017.

Cllr Kilburn requested more information for agenda items. This was agreed.

Clr Kilburn reported that he had received an email regarding High Speed Broadband for areas not being covered by BT. To be circulated to councillors.

14.  Items for consideration for the next Agenda

To consider changing from a Parish Council to a Parish Meeting.

Cllr Mrs Hill tendered her apologies for not being able to attend the next meeting.

15.  Date of next meeting:

Tuesday 12 July 2016, 7.30pm at The Tearooms, Arlington Court.

There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.